Friday, October 27, 2006
"No spring nor summer beauty hath such grace..." I have seen in one autumnal face.
- John Donne
Yesterday, during my travels, I had the distinct pleasure of viewing some of the autumn leaves as they waited on trees to fall and so many more of their compatriots already waited on the cold ground to be swept up and taken away. The sky, a beautiful blue and clouds white and whispy, made me wish that I had the talent to paint (or in some opinions, take pictures :-) ) The pictures above are of the view at the end of my street where I turn each day as I head off to take the young one to school and then proceed to work.
Today, the view is not so pleasant; although warmer than yesterday, it is damp and has been raining off and on throughout the night. There is a strong likelihood that the last football game of the season will be a soggy goodbye to the senior band members, cheerleaders and football players. No the end of the evening, my last football game attendance for Sylvania will be over....another milestone achieved and passed...and the next one looming on the horizon...
More later after the game...till then, much love to you...