......ebb and flow, trial and error, change - this is the rhythm of living. Out of our over-confidence, fear; out of our fear, clearer vision, fresh hope. And out of hope, progress."
- Bruce Barton
I have officially as of today garnered my resignation and it has been accepted. This has been the most taxing and difficult decision I have ever had to make in my life. I have been admonished that this action may not be the most well advised, but in my heart I feel that my experiences recently have told me something about my life situation, showed me the condition of my existence and how stagnant the creative part of myself has become. The contact with a others in the same field of experience as I who are engaged, challenged and ENJOYING THEIR WORK and environment showed me that there are truly situations that can challenge you professionally and nurture you personally at the same time; those two things are not mutually exclusive. In preparation for that opportunity to be able to act on opportunity to capture a bit of that for my own life, I have decide to finally commit, to take the leap of faith, and be ready when new experiences present themselves. It is risky business, but so is letting your life slip by you....no regrets, a few worries (let's get honest here...of course there are a few! I do have responsibility to those who depend on me...the pressures there are monumental!) and a renewed sense of purpose and really juiced up enthusiasm level.
I hope that by example, my kids and friends will see that you don't have to "settle"....life offers so much to you if you are willing to offer something in exchange.
Much love to all of you,