Friday, October 20, 2006

Blogging about.....

Sweetest Day - What they know at Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

______________________________ you buy the story or don't you?....that whole philanthropic effort for the forgotten, unloved and unacknowledged, to let them know that they are remembered and cared about? For some reason there seems to be a big push this year to get that whole story out to folks....the young one, who works in a drug store, where of course they offer the full selection of "Sweetest Day" tributes, informed me that this year there are actually cards available for sending that include the origins of Sweetest Day printed on the back. Perhaps there has been too much talk in recent years about the blatant commercial quality that this "rememberance" seems to have, and perhaps even sales of candy and cards have petered out for all i know....the WIKI referenced above has many references, both to the "origins" and also to the rather jaded feel that has built around this event through the years.

Personally, i subscribe to letting people that you love and care about know whenever you want to and in whatever way that you feel is appropriate....don't really need candy and card folks telling me when or how to do it.....unfortunately for guys especially however, chicks have a tendency to eat this kind of crap up, so as far as i can tell, its too bad for you, but looks to me like a day you will be pressured into buying some useless trinket to assure your place of grace in the heart of your "sweetie"...sorry...sometimes you just gotta mumble under your breath and roll with it...

"Happy Sweetest Day".......

Much love to you every day,
