Yesterday was, in my humble opinion, a true beautiful fall day in northwest Ohio. The sun was bright in a clear blue sky, the air practically cracklingly cool. The temptation to jump in the car and drive, just for the sake of driving, without destination or attention to time was very great, but as is so often the case on perfect days like this, there were many responsibilities that interjected, rendering the impulse impractical.

The first job of the day was to retrieve the "free" car from its current home in the parking lot of the friend of the firstborn. The firstborn spent his early hours of yesterday building his car transport team, which eventually consisted of his best friend Chris, who has the muscle vehicle (his Suburban), his girlfriend, Ann, who was to be the communications person and spotter, and me, to ride escort position in my car, four ways flashing, warning other drivers to stay clear. The firstborn and Chris have executed the vehicle transport maneuver more times than I care to count (or even admit to, although I can assure you, my neighbors can surely tell you to the car or truck) so they truly have the process down to an art form. I simply had to follow instructions, and Ann with me kept contact with Chris and the firstborn using their cell phones and three way calling facilitated through the firstborn's ROKR. The entire process went flawlessly well, and once dragged in close proximity of our driveway, the firstborn and I pushing and Ann steering through the open driver door assured that the car successfully rolled up the incline at the driveway apron and coasted to a stop at a place of honor in front of the garage door. The firstborn explored the car at some length later in the afternoon, absconding with a battery from one of the other cars to do a full electrical check. He has deemed the car "highly functional and totally repairable" and I can see in his face that this car, so much newer and in general better condition than any that he has ever had before, will be his pride and joy, and ridding us of some of the other "projects" we currently maintain so that he can keep this car will not be a problem for him. I can hear my neightbors heaving a collective sigh of relief already!

Last night was the city's rivaly football game. It was comparable weatherwise last night to the daytime hours; breezy, clear and cool. The young one was still ill last night, but to keep him away from the band on this night would have been absolutely impossible, so I did not even try. We tried as best we could to make him comfortable, and he left to fulfill his responsibility to the band. In his sacrifice of self for the sake of the band I see the dedication he has for all things; his commitments are extraordinarily important to him, and he will do whatever is necessary to assure that he does not shirk them.
The firstborn and I went to the community tailgate party before the game. We partook of the tailgate cuisine, consisting of packaged snacks, veggies and dip, cookies and brats or weiners and soda or coffee. As we stood observing the crowd and finishing our pre-game snack, I observed one of my former co-workers; I was astonished to watch as recognition of me and the firstborn passed over his face and he immediately changed his direction of locomotion to one directly away from where we were standing. I actually witnessed this behaviour several times from him while we were in and around the tent where the tailgate event was held; it was as though he wished to avoid my observation; an uncomfortable conscience perhaps? I also greeted with affection many friends who I have not had contact with since before my life changing experience of several weeks ago (has it truly been that long?) It was so wonderful to be able to talk with and actually have physical, hugging contact with some of the people that mean so much to me. Although no longer officially their "Help Me Vicki" anymore, I know that we will always be friends and now, as peers in the community, these will be relationships that will add so much more to the quality of my life and the lives of the boys.
The firstborn and I, by mutual agreement, stayed at the game until after halftime, at which point the young one's school was pitifully behind 14 to 0. We did, however, miss an astonishing recover by leaving early; the young one school ended up dominating the second half to win the game with a score of 24 to 21. This is truly not normal for this grudge match; the vast majority of these games are won by the other high school. The young one tells me now that should this strong performance continue, his high school actually has the potential to make it to playoff contention; a very exciting prospect for his last football season at this school.
That's it for now...back later...
much love to you...