Sigmund Freud
The photo included with this entry was a totally accidental discovery made while running errands with the young one, getting ready for the Fall Festival Parade to take place on Sunday in our town. The band every year dresses in costume, and the young one, as a senior, had his very specific costume in mind and I was transporting him to the nearest costume store to see if we could reserve it for him.

From the lovely Halloween display, it appears that he is comfortable with documenting his relationship struggles for everyone to peruse. Perhaps the public exposure of names serves to give him some control over his pain and anger.....failure insinuated on the part of the women directs attention away from the possibility that there was some deficiency in his handling of things. Thus, the quote of the day....I hope that his illusion of control achieves the comfort that he is looking for.
Enjoy....more of the young one's choice of costume for the parade (hysterically funny to be sure)....much love to you...