Today was the scheduled college visit for the young one to his school of choice, UT. We went there knowing that he has already been accepted, but atended in any case, on the off chance that there was something else we had to do that we did not already know about. Left a little bit early and got breakfast on the way. Once at UT, i did of course, in my inimitable fashion get a tiny bit lost and have to back around in a parking lot to let a bus go by, but once that hurdle was overcome we found the right parking lot and got to the meeting. It was pretty much as expected, with the overview and the campus tour, which we opted out of. Instead we visited the bookstore in the ground floor of the student union to stock up on UT logo mechandise. I got a cute not school colors hoodie and the young one got his fill of UT logo apparel, enough to take him through to senior year, i imagine.
After the UT visit, we went to get the young one a hair cut at one of the local generic har cut places; he is not much into fuss and just wants the hair cut short and neat so he can spike it and that was what he told the chick so he thought it would be no big deal. Fifteen minutes and practically bald later, he stormed out of the place leaving me to pay the girl. He was so pissed off when he got home i thought he was gonna explode, but once he got his wits about him he realized that he could still spike, but not so pointy for a little while. With that bullet dodged, we went over to the high school, where he is now, practicing for the talent show that will be held in a few weeks.

I also have taken it in my head to do the hair change thing...the photo shows the new color in the daylight....not too bad, but i am having a hell of a time getting used to seeing it in the mirror...i have been a blonde for a LOT of, this is it for now...we will see if i like it enough to keep it this way...back with more later, maybe....much love to you....