Saturday, September 16, 2006

Gotta get in the habit of posting again...

it is tough to get back into making a daily....being interrupted from my daily routine about a month ago has kinda put another in place; one which makes posting something I have to REMEMBER to do again instead of something that is automatic and easy.  The rambling muses still go on inside my head every day,  but I am out of the habit of making sure I remember them or jot a note or two to share later;  I hate it that they have been able to do that to me...

in any case, it is a busy day today, with lots of stuff to do for the young one,  and then travel today to see him perform.  Tomorrow night is the one I have been looking forward to since LAST band at the university and another two hours or staggering drunkenly through a ton of sight reading and loving every second of doing it.  Even if I totally screw up,  it is the feel of being in a group again,  and all that goes along with being a musician of any sort...producing something transient but perfect in that moment and treasuring both the process of creating and the moment in which it lives.

But I wax poetic....must be off to get ready to travel to Defiance...back late I'm sure...but it will be fun....later...
