Gleefully, Karen approached my desk early Friday morning....stopping in the aisle a few feet (***smile***) away from me, she poked her foot straight out and smiled broadly. Looking down, I observed her pink Converse Chuck Taylor lows, pristeen and perfect on one of their first ventures out in the real world; she had shared with me several months ago that she had purchased them. Together, we found Jeff, who kindly took the photo (right)to help us to preserve the first meeting of our respective "Chucks" for posterity. Giggling like schoolgirls, we both clipped on our iPods shuffles and headed off to our days, each of us happy in the knowledge that our "Chucks" loving, iPod wearing counterpart was just a short walk across the office.
NOTES: Our office,
Root Learning; Karen, the executive assistant to the president of our company; Jeff, internet corporate presence, and me, IT Technical Support....yes...I do work for a really awesome organization! (If you would like to know more about the origins of "Chucks", check out this
blog entry written by my young one,
"Buddha of Drumming".)
Much love to you...