Tuesday, September 02, 2008

Moving forward

It has been a very long weekend.  The migration to new equipment is to begin today, with all that that entails.  Folks have been frantically trying to keep pace with a very aggressive timeline, working on imaging and other problems in prep for today.

My responsibility has been email file conversion....in a corporate environment, no small thing to be charged with.  The folks here live and breathe their calendars and emails...client facing folks are practically hog tied if they do not have the ability to keep in touch with their contacts regularly using the magic of technology.

SO......I have been working diligently to convert data...Entourage mail databases....to Outlook PST files...a time consuming and mind-numbing process...I would think that there would be some way to automate it, but infortunately I do not know scripting languages, so I am manually doing all preliminary set up, file moves, configuration on the Outlook side, and moving the files again for the final archive from there.  Using the vehicle of the Exchange server is very labourious and I would assume somewhat risky...data corruption or the wrong mailbox becoming the authority and all mail could be deleted by mistake....but it is the only way that I have found documented to do what I have to do....on Saturday and Monday conversions took place for a protracted amount of time...and I am here again this morning before anyone else to take up where I left off....

So it is hurry up and wait...and in the wait time I write for you...hope you are well and have had a wonderful relaxing long weekend...if you see me today and I look a little rough around the edges, at least now you will know why...

Till later, much love to you,

