Thursday, December 20, 2007


Sorry I have been gone so long...have had a very busy time at work and lots of other stuff going on as well...things have the probability of continuing to be busy (but in a GOOD way) but I promise to try harder to get back here to post for anyone who might actually give a crap :)

I came home from work tonight to the young one and the firstborn in the living room, with lots of cardboard boxes, what appeared to be an electronic drum kit and a "Fender" guitar...both, I was told controllers for their Xmas present to themselves, the XBox game "ROCK BAND". They were just getting things set up so I took a moment to sort through the build-up of mail and then went into the living room to scope out the situation.

By the time I sat down on the sectional couch, they were getting calibration taken care of so that the musical instrument style input devices responded appropriately as they were interacting with the game. They set up their band (The Liquid Slumber Party - I LOVE THAT!!!) and their band members (the firstborn, "Church" - lead guitar and the young one used his own name as the drummer) They played through a few songs to get a feel for things...the songs included are current, popular and some of our favs, so it makes the game that much more fun. As they played for points, I found myself singing along (anyone who knows me is not surprised at all at that)...and before I knew it I was also a member of the band as the lead singer "Rochelle", a short curvy blonde with green eyes. Once all of us were involved the fun truly began...we played some "gigs", won over lots of fans and earned a van to tour in, as well as acquired a manager....I can't wait until the next time the boys need a singer...they can SOOOOO count me in!!!

This game kicks major much more than GUITAR HERO, according to the boys, who would definitely be the expert opinion on this topic...I just really enjoyed the heck out of it...the challenge, the time with the boys...just a great time...should be a pretty fun Xmas!!!

Hope this post finds you well and enjoying all the love and companionship the holidays have to offer....until later, much love to always
