I imagine in my mind the sounds and smells of the early morning...the seagulls call, the water as it encroached ever further up the sand, the wind as it added just a bit of morning chill and gently tugged at my hair. So much to enjoy from this trip, in spite of everything...no more driving to Florida, but Florida still calls me to return....
Hope this mellow carries throughout the day....
Much love to you...
Yahoo!!!! In an additional entry for today, I got a call from my best friends at the old place of employment wanting to make sure that we are still on for drinks and snacks after work at one of my favorite places...Ventura's...we have been trying to do this since FEBRUARY, but family issues and other things have precluded us from it numerous times....I have an IT staff meeting 4 to 5 today, but just to make a point I am gonna pack up all my stuff ahead of time...I wanna get out of here at 5 if at all possible and am really looking forward to some margies, some deluxe chicken nachos and hooking up with my good friends....may be some photos in the works if they are agreeable....we will see....