I spent most of the day outside, clearing leaves out from around the low decorative bushes in the front of the house and the lillies on the north side of the garage. Two yard waste bags and a significant amount of sunburn later, the yard looks like someone cares about it again...next task, some weed killer to take care of the dandelions that are making their presence known.
This evening, the young one and his Sara are at the Spring Musical at NV...."Fame"...the firstborn is chilling in the living room, waiting for Ann to get home from working late, and I took a trip to the pond and park in our town to walk and watch the sun set...the photo above is of the pond WITHOUT ice on it (see other Flickr album photos of Olander from late winter)..next weekend there will be a Trout fishing contest there for the youngsters...they will put a bunch of fish in there and they will fish for a couple hours for fun and prizes...it was a beautiful night and a beautiful sunset...I was very happy to end the day that way...
Hope you have been having a wonderful weekend too...much love to you...