Tuesday, April 17, 2007

Put it to rest already......

Put it to rest once and for allHere is another great example of an entrepreneur who has identified a very specific need that just screams from some segments of the population; primarily the very bitter, newly (or not so newly) released from the institution (of marriage or long term relationship, etc).

This delightful little item is called a "ring coffin" and its intent is to facilitate that final symbolic death of the relationship and burying of the past; the intent, as stated by the creator, is to help with closure when a relationship ends and help the angry person act out their feelings, then, in principal, move on.

The full story regarding this "interesting" item is available here. I see a possibility for a spin off of this....how about a hatchet coffin...when you wanna "bury the hatchet"? Hmmmm...

Till later, much love to you....
