Saturday, April 07, 2007

My slice of Pi

My slice of PiWhile surfing, found a link for this money making effort of some internet entrepeneur called My Slice of Pi. The premise is basically that the number Pi is an infinite and non-repeating sequence of numbers, and the person who set up this site has created a way for folks to buy one or more of the individual numbers on the right side of the non-repeating decimal. Each number costs whatever the number is - the number 2 costs two dollars...BONUS...the number zero is free!

The actual point of buying the number is how you take possession of your basically are paying to create a tiny little advertisement with a link to wherever you want to direct people when they click on your number. Click on my number and it will bring you HERE, to Country of the on the "zero" to the right of it (number link 78) and it will send you to the website for Strollerguy - David Wayne Black, as promotion for his book, "Zero Main Street".

There are many others of these blatantly money-making websites on the internet, and not all are worth endorsing with a financial contribution...this one I thought was innovative and may get them a few bucks, thus the mention.

Hope you enjoy the info...
