As I got closer to my destination, I began to ponder at length why I was making this trip. My friend, David (aka "Strollerguy") was undertaking the gargantuan task of following through to the next level on a commitment he has made to himself to get back to his fitness level of about ten years ago, when he was a pretty decent runner, before a lot of personal issues interferred with the flow of his life. This milestone is one of many he has faced in the relatively short time I have known him, and I had declared a long time ago, that when the time came and he did this thing, I would be there.
When I saw him at the course Saturday morning, I observed a singularity of purpose in him that assured me that he was going to be successful in achieving this goal...I know that he has been doing the prep work...many miles on those running shoes in the last months to get himself physically and mentally ready...maybe I was not as mentally ready...I have no understanding of the process of running...I have known a few people in my life who run...heard their descriptions of the changes, mind and body, that occur during the course of a race....I thought of all those things as I stood waiting for the race to begin...knowing I wanted him more than anything to be successful...worrying at what cost....
The race was the grand scheme of things, not the longest race, I know, but the wait was very long for the first runners started to filter in, I made my way back to the Start/Finish line to wait...he had indicated to me what he had expected his time to the interminable seconds ticked by, I anxiously strained to observe every runner as they rounded the last turn on the river trail heading in...I watched as each one crossed through the RFID reader and their official time was recorded...the joy, many emotions as there were runners there...every one with their own reason to do this thing that they were doing today.
As I saw David round the last curve, it was with pride that I observed that he still looked strong and in control...there was going to be no throwing himself across the finish line, and no last gasp to finish...he was not the first runner across the line, but I could see in his gait, in his face....this race was run on his terms, and the goal was met...another barrier broken.
The point of just a guy, and just a race, I have seen dedication to purpose, and focus on helps that I can call this "guy" a is with great pride that I say....CONGRATS STROLLERGUY!!!!! I am so glad I could be get my inspiration from you....<3
More later....much love to you all till then.....