Sunday, November 19, the firstborn headed out first thing in the cold morning to very intentionally head to Burger King for breakfast...the draw, not the tasty breakfast sandwiches or crispy hash browns...instead, he was driven to crawl from his warm and comfy bed to acquire the new video games for XBox that were MADE FOR BURGER KING, ABOUT THE KING. At first consideration, I thought it was a racket and a really bad idea, but once seeing them, I think they are hysterically funny and OK for older kids and adults, but because of the humongous influence factor, I would not want little kids to be exposed to them too much.
If you are a teen or adult video gamer and want some mindless fun, you should check out the games at Burger King, 4 bucks with a value meal, for as long as they last....a good time will be had by all...
That's it for now...maybe more later if the spirit moves me...till then, much love to you...