Any woman will tell you, that with boy children, male friends, male sig others and husbands, that they did not need a survey or study to tell them that. When a woman gets sick, most of them continue to try to go to work, take care of the house and family and do all the other stuff that people are depending on them to do. A woman has to be on her deathbed before she finally slows down, and she is actually more likely to take care of her own illness than to have someone help take care of it for her.
Guys on the other soon as they are feeling the slightest bit ill, they will take to their beds, in the throes of misery. Their illnesses make them sicker amd more miserable (as well as those around them) and take much longer to go away than a woman's illness. Men feel like every sniffle is the flu; women say, Oh it's nothing; I'll be fine...and will most likely go to work feeling badly, until they cannot drag themselves around anymore.
There was one interesting thing in this actuality, women get sick MORE OFTEN than men do, because they are in closer contact with the little contagion carriers; kids. I guess with so much more exposure, women may actually be building resistance to some illnesses....would that explain their ability to bounce back so much faster than men?
In any case...we're heading into flu season...both regular and "man" variety, I's hoping that you and yours avoid both and have a pleasant and illness free winter...
That's all that is in my head for now....back later with more....till then, much love to you...
PS - check out this entry on BuddhaofDrumming...freaking funniest thing I have seen in a long time....that BuddhaofDrumming is quite a talented guy!