- Wendy Carlos (American Musician)
And....in 1947, Toledo native:
- P. J. O'Rourke
These both go under the category of "cool things found on the way to other things..." I was just thinking about Wendy Carlos not more than a week or so ago...I was terribly impressed with the Bach that she performed on Moog synthesizer in the early 70's. She was integral in the whole electronic music movement. Follow the link attached to her name to visit her website to find out more about her...she is a very fascinating person.
P J ORourke is from our area here, and is a tremendously funny man. Follow the link attached to his name to read a bio about him.
Day was good, but I have been very tired...I hope that once I get used to this new schedule things will get better in the attention and staying awake department.
That's it for a post tonight...hope you enjoy the info about the birthday people...also check out the couple new links along the side...one for the site gapingvoid.com...you gotta check this site out! It is freakin' awesome! The other one is a Microsoft parody called "msfirefox.com" which is also hysterically funny....have fun browsing....back soon with more stuff...till then, much love to you...