I was included in this celebration by merit of my friendship with one of the actors, David Black (jeff/strollerguy/davidwayneblack.com). Our efforts on his website, davidwayneblack.com, and his prominent display of the Gameheads trailers on his site and outposts, hosted by our own ironduke.net garnered the entire "tekkbabe" clan an open invitation. The young one and the firstborn bailed on the trip due to responsibilities to sig others here at home, but I traversed the 500 miles to the home of the Gameheads production to participate in the celebration of a job completed by some, just beginning for others, and for all a great accomplishment to be proud of.
As well as meeting Gwen and Dan (also known in internet circles as Bad Buddha from Bad Buddhist Radio fame), the driving force behind the creation of this promising production, I made the acquaintances of many of the folks that worked both in front of the camera and behind the scenes during the months of rehearsals and shooting for the movie. I was also pleased to meet Karen (david's sig other) and his children, Sierra (who had a small part in the movie) and Lars (who is just darned cute). I also got to see a friend from my previous visit in July, Tim, who was also an actor in the movie.
The trip, though an eight hour drive, was sooo worth it...it was great to finally put voices and real faces to all the people and places that I have been exposed to over the time that the movie has been in production. It was also nice to spend time with David and the people that mean so much to him...I am grateful that they were willing to share their time with me, considering the unusual way we all became connected.
All in all, IMHO, good times were definitely had...the folks earned their celebration...the sneak previews proved that lots of promising footage was captured during all their months of hard work...now, after the Bad Buddha finishes post, the real challenge will present...getting this indie film exposure so that it can get the recognition it deserves. I think it will happen...there are certainly enough dedicated folks around to get the job done....
So, thanks to all Gameheads...I had a great time! You can count on me to represent for Gameheads whenever the opportunity presents itself!
Much love to you all....
PS - please be sure to check out the link at right for the official Gameheads wrap party photo set, hosted on flckr.com