The years run too short and the days too fast
The things you lean on
Are the things that don't last
Well, it's just now
And then my line gets cast into these
Time passages
There's something back here that you left behind
Oh, time passages
Buy me a ticket on the last train home tonight........
- Al Stewart
Today was a slow day at the homestead...slept late (NICE!) It was a cold morning this morning, the air in the house a little crisp because of my practice of heating economy. The bed was warm and comfortable, which made it easy NOT to get up.
Once up, I decided that something to eat was in order; some cereal and milk seemed to fit the bill. When I went downstairs to have my fav (Golden Grahams...mmmm...sugar) I found that the box contained a marginally sized serving for me, which would have been an appetizer for either of the boys. I finished that off, but out of curiosity, I checked out a couple of the other boxes of cereal that had been holding places on top of the frig, only to find that they as well contained nothing more than small, girl-sized servings. In the interest of cleaning up the kitchen just the tiniest little bit (I know! can you believe it!) I chucked the boxes with their meager contents into the trash, and feeling very pleased with myself, proceeded back upstairs to take a shower.
The shower was hot and welcome on the chilly morning. As I am so fond of doing and so seldom get to do with all the folks needing to hit the shower during the week, I spent a lot of time in the hot hot water, running the water heater nice, and so foggy in the bathroom when I was done! After drying off, I set about drying the hair, and of course it was about the time when the young one finally decided he was hungry and drug his butt out of bed. After quickly drying hair, we took a look in the kitchen, hooked him up with some food, and then he got a phone call from his Sara.
She was calling to see if the young one still wanted her to come with him and I to the UT Marching Band concert at Savage Hall on UT campus this afternoon. Of course, a silly question and indeed he did, so they talked out all the plans and she popped over to our house at about 2 so we could all go down to the concert together.
There were not a ton of people at the hall; my guess is from the talk in the stands was that it was mostly parents of folks in the band. The band started out with the standards, introducing the band and the fight song then started into the music from the halftime shows of this year. The first little bit was directed by Dr. Jason Stumbo (follow the link to see photo)
While the band played the drill team performed for some of the numbers...check out the drumline in the background of this photo, doing the stuff that only the drumline can do. The band also has a very talented majorette who has been with them for three years and has won many awards. She also had several routine that she performed to showcase her talent and skill.
The highlight for us was the drumline feature, where they came forward and played the fabulous and well known to UT fans "Funk on the Ottawa", UT drumline cadence extraordinaire..the link is to an .avi file of the performance; it is over 100MB so if you decide to try to take a peek, please be patient...if you really want it you can click on the link, select "Save target (source)(as)" and copy it to your computer to look at at your convenience. When the drumline looks like this, however, I can't imagine why you WOULD NOT want to check it out!
All in all, except for the cold walk to and from Savage Hall (and the young one's Sara in SANDALS!) the concert was exceptional, and everything we had hoped for. It was the coolest thing to look over at the young one's face during the drum feature and see the pure pride and pleasure...he is already in the UT mindset...these are his people and this is his school...he is looking forward to the fall of next year, with excitement and confidence, not afraid or intimidated (which is FANTASTIC!)
Hope you enjoy the stuff from the concert and that you are much warmer than we are I type, I am actually glad for the heat coming off the computer, as lame and sad as that sounds; at least my fingertips are keeping warm!....back with more probably tomorrow....till then....much love to you....