Yesterday, the firstborn was able to finally return to his roots....his first auto a GM of substance to protect his newbie driver butt from harm (and well it did on many occasions, I might add!) He now owns the lovely car shown in the photo left, dubbed "Gunhaver", in deference to its deriving its name from the Beretta handgun. It is in very good shape and has many factory accessories and options that you will not see on every Beretta still sliding down the street. For a FULL photo set with commentary, see the current entry on
ironduke.net, internet home to many nice websites, including but not limited to
Monsters I Say and
Hope to be back with more later, but if not till tomorrow, enjoy the photos and check out the new Gameheads photo links from the wrap party last Saturday....in the meantime also, much love to you.....
As an aside - In 1975 on this date: The Altair 8800, a do-it-yourself computer kit, goes on sale for $397.