Thursday, December 07, 2006

An exciting (to me anyway!), all text entry....

Thinking a lot about new things that are coming in my work life and getting very charged up about them...opportunities are presenting to participate in some projects because of my current skill set, that may add some value and promote the business, which would be very exciting for me, considering how TOTALLY COOL a place I think this is to work, and that kind of thing does not often happen for someone who works in IT. The folks here are very attuned to maximizing people's skills and encouraging them to stretch and grow, and with that in mind, I look forward to the new experiences that I will have and working with my companion and friend during my hiring process. As these new things are fleshed out and exposed for public consumption, I will give you a heads up on it, as I will be proud as a new parent when the whole thing finally comes to fruition.

Other than that, a very busy day, prep being done for an all company meeting that will pull folks from all over the organization into the office to participate. I will be meeting some of the "phone voices" for the first time, and seeing some folks that are only periodically in office, so that will be cool. The IT department has big goals for the day tomorrow, so the pace will be hectic; it will be a very quick and hopefully productive day.

Hope that your day was well....much love to you till I post again later....


PS - Here is a link to an article by one of my favs on WIRED, Lore Sjoberg titled "World's Worst Superhero Names", which I neglected to post the link to when I found it a few weeks ago....enjoy!