As you can see from my blog time stamp I am here in the office very early...there is a lot that I needed to do, not the least of which was to assure that the Birch client room is comfortable when our guests arrive...had a bit of a challenge with that yesterday, but hope today will be much better. I walking out to my car in the driveway schlepping my stuff, getting ready to head to the office, I glanced, as I always do to the sky above my house....the clouds were aglow, illuminated by the nearly full moon....I figured, hmmm...that is pretty cool - when I get to work I will see if it still looks cool and if it does and I have some time I will make another stab at this whole photos at night thing....which I am not very good at most of the time...
SO....I got to the office...and it DID still look really cool....even moreso after I looked at the moon from the angle that my parked car positioned me I got out my \"good\" digital camera (a 10 MPX Samsung) and mini tripod and started trying to position the camera (and myself) in a strategic spot to capture that perfect lunar morning photo.
I did a lot of adjusting and moving is tough not to be able to have the camera where your eyes are...the tripod that I had with me was nothing more that three little legs that take my unsteady hand and heavy shutter finger out of the focus mix. Sitting the camera with tripod attached on various and sundry flat spots on the car got me a few opportunities (which I have yet to look at, as I am supposed to be doing WORK right now) to try to get some cool captures...but I still was not seeing what I wanted when I looked at the display on the back of the camera....finally in utter frustration, I laid down on my back on the asphalt parking lot next to the car, propped the tripod on my chest, and looked to see what that got me....EUREKA!!! finally the camera and I were seeing eye to eye, so to speak....happily absorbed in my quest, I began to snap furiously away whenever the clouds would part....changing aperture, focus, shutter speed...who knows what I will end up with...but there was a lot of joy in the trying...
My attention totally directed to the camera and the moon, I was taken by surprise by a voice behind my head...and to become aware of the sound of a car idling.....I tipped my head backward (the visual - laying on my back in the parking lot, my purse open and on the trunk of my car, the lights of the car off and I am wearing dark clothes so you cannot see me very well save my blonde hair and the grey sweater I have on under my \"Root hoodie\") and observed (upside down, from my perspective) Sylvania Patrolman Dave Arvay, walking toward me, hands on hips....he had come to check on me when he pulled into the Root World Headquarters parking lot and saw what looked to him to be my car (which he has come to recognize) my purse with contents strewn on the trunk, and me, laying on the ground next to the car....I can only imagine what thoughts were going through his mind when he approached me...not knowing if he was walking up to me with a heart attack...or worse...having been assaulted in the parking lot....
I was very apologetic and thanked him profusely for checking on me, and assured him that if I had any success in my photography I would make sure I found him to share the, needless to say, I hope when I look at the photos from today, there are a few that are worth sharing....if not, I would imagine that Dave may be VERY VERY disappointed in me :)
Hope you enjoyed the story....if nothing else, I lead a very interesting life...
Till later, much love to you