Wednesday, September 10, 2008

Just Curious......

I mean. don\'t get me wrong, it\'s totally cool to have a visitor that is showing a noticable amount of interest in my blog...there are only a few that I normally see here with regularity, so the additional activity in my traffic is pretty darned conspicious....


If you are a friend wishing to see what is going on with me, you probably have my cell phone me for gosh sake!   If you are a potential employer, then you have also seen my resume on my personal pages hosted by Microsoft Small Business services - you also have my phone number and email address....I would be glad to respond to your contact....


If you are someone who is just here to give me grief or cause me trouble, just leave me alone...I have had to make too many blogs private in my time because there are too many not nice people in the world who are just itching to whip something up....if I had anything to hide, do you think that I am still so stupid as to post it on a public website, for cripes sake????

I do have a traffic counter and it DOES give me some pretty cool information on where hits come from and the originating service provider and IP, if you wanna talk to me, talk to me....otherwise, lets stop with the in depth dissection of my blog, OK?


That\'s it for now....much love to you that I KNOW who are showing up here...till later...
