Been thinking a lot....there have been many happenings lately that have given me pause and caused me to really step into a more thoughtful and observant place. I have put my thinking cap efforts toward, in particular, people dynamics (imagine that) and in all this thinking tried to figure out what it is that has been causing so much conflict and unhappiness in some of the situations that I recently been significantly concerned about.
In a rather interesting moment of enlightenment, I thought about Root and what we do for customers...getting their folks to talk, gain understanding and align for their organizations. Moving that to the next step, I thought \" is an organizational and family dynamic similar? How are they different?\"
I came to realize that the SEP (Strategic Engagement Process) can be applied to family in much the same was as we help clients use it and for much the same reasons. Companies struggle when their people at various levels are not communicating about their goals and needs. The leaders, middle managers and individual contributors are constantly in conflict and cannot be successful in their jobs if they are not all aligned and have clear understanding about the organizational goals and the things that need to be done to accomplish them. Is that any different from the dynamics in a family? I think not...parents as the leaders have to have agreement among their group about the family goals and they also have to communicate those goals to the individual contributors (the children) so that everyone is aligned on how to make the family a success. If there is not agreement between the leaders (Mom and Dad) or there is not clarity between the leaders and the individual contributors (Mom and Dad to children) then there is likely to be discord in the family (and that does not contribute to the success of the family, the parents OR the children) Further, if the leaders (Mom and Dad) are not in agreement on their plan for the organization and how to accomplish their goals (harmonious relationships, communication, building family unity, developing healthy children, etc) then they will not be able to provide clear information to the individual contributors (the children) about how behaviours that they can practice and things that they can do to be successful in the family and excel at their job (which is growing up to be self sufficient and happy adults)
It would be interesting, I think, to try to have a family who is struggling use the Root structure to determine the needs of their family and follow the same methodology of seeing, talking and learning to troubleshoot their family dynamics. I cannot do justice to the potential use of a Root structured tool for this, but I bet some family counselors could brainstorm with Root people who know how to build our solutions to figure out a way to put this in the Map/Leader facilitated format. I wonder if anyone has ever thought of this (I feel sure that they have and there may already be something like it in our intellectual property)...
Anyway...just an interesting observation...if you have any curiosity about the Root methodology please visit the Root website at and poke around...there is an interactive page that features the very important Root Canyon Map, which is often used to start conversations with clients and help them start to think the process of engagement and why it is important....
Hope you have a wonderful weekend...till later, much love to you...