Tuesday, June 05, 2007

Pardon me....

A yawn or smacked head, or both...While I yawn...so tired the last week or so, I barely make it to 8 PM before I pass out like a bear going into hibernation. Even with the recent heat in Ohio, I have been so drawn to my pillow that I have drifted off quite a few times without even making an effort at a meal, or even seeing the kids when they get home from work.

I have heard that stress will manifest in all kinds of ways, and perhaps that is what this is...I really am NOT usually such a slug...lots of things going on with the young one and school coming up in the fall, the new office and all the stuff that keeps coming up that needs fixed since the move...the death of a friendship that I treasured a great deal...I know...buck up...I suppose I will...but for now, I cope with my tiredness, and now, adding to the fun, a new symptom, periodic hives...whoohoo! Some people really know how to have a good time, eh?

Anyway...till later...much love to you...