Root Rafting Update
The outstanding individuals who are featured in the photo above did indeed pursue their rafting adventure down the famous (in Sylvania) 10 Mile Creek as far as their rafts would allow. They passed under the bridge at Harroun Road and headed toward the Sylvania Country Club on the east side of Rt 23, and by all accounts were received with wry humour and without any suspicion of malicious intent. Once through the country club grounds (pretty much the golf course), they headed on into the back yards of the pricey properties of Corey Road. At that point the raft of one of our heroes sprung an unrecoverable leak and a second exhibited signs of taking on water so the trip was cut short.
Unfortunately for our hail and hearty men, they realized too late that noone had had the presence of mind to include a cellular phone or other communications device in their sparse provisions and once they clamoured through mud and tall grasses to the clearing, they were incommunicado, and disoriented, not sure exactly where they had arrived AT. They began to walk, rafts in tow and wet and muddied from their adventures, through the very affluent area. They happened upon a man working in his yard and bade him direct them to the nearest large roadway so they could begin to get their bearings. The man directed them vaguely toward Sylvania Avenue and Corey Road and that is the direction they headed. On the way, they noted a pizza delivery person retreating from a recent drop off at a home and asked HIM for directions and the favour of using his mobile phone to make a call to a companion of one of the rafters, who had agreed to retrieve them at the end of their trek. The pizza man was less than thrilled with being accosted by these strange individuals, and was even very much less inclined to hand his cell phone over to them outright. He dialed the agreed upon number, handed the phone to the rafter so he could talk to his companion for a few mere moments to indicate where they would perform their rendezvous, and off they walked again to travel to the agreed upon location. Once arriving at their spot to wait, they actually became acquainted with a family who was recreating in their yard with their children, who were very interested in their quest and talked to them for quite a while until their ride arrived. Interestingly enough, observed on their fence as the motley crew was departing was the sign “NO TRESPASSING”….and these were the NICE people!
Anyway, it is much cooler to hear the story from the guys who did the rafting, but this is the summary for you, in case you were wondering….hope you enjoyed visualizing their trip…it was very fun to watch!
Much love to you….