Through the last month or so, if you asked him how things were going, he would reply in his offhand sort of way something about wedding bills, wedding plans. Ask him how he felt about walking his daughter down the aisle, and "giving her away"; he would cavalierly comment that she was an adult and the soon-to-be husband was a long time boyfriend, so there was nothing new for him to be concerned about. He made it all sound so mundane...but I know him well and know better than that.

Today, under a perfect blue summer sky, with family and friends there to share it with him, his little girl got married....his baby..the apple of his eye...the only totally perfect female in the world, became the wife of some man who walked into her life and won her love. In the long walk from the Manor House to the gazebo in the shade of the tall oaks, I can only guess at the swirl of emotion in his heart...her passage into her adult life, the closure of a little part of his...taking on a new role in her life...still daddy, and always special...someday, "grandpa" to her babies with her new husband...
I was there only as a casual observer...a member of the public in a public place who "happened upon" this very personal and private event. All my love is with him and his family on this day....even at a distance, I felt joy at their joy...and pride and love for him, on this special day in HIS life as well as hers.
That's all for now....much love to you, on this day of love's celebration....