- William Faulkner
Thinking about time, and our perceptions of it...when I awoke this morning, the first thought in my mind was, "Geez, I wonder what time it is?" When I get in a hurry, with lots to do, the thought, "Oh, crap! Look at the time!" When in anticipation of an event in the future or thinking about the possibility of an respite from the daily schedule, it seems that time passes in an exaggeratedly slow pace; in the company of your beloved or enjoying the warmth and love our your family, the clock hands spin wildly, advancing the hours in what seems like seconds.
How did humans become slaves to "time"? I think of the animals; driven only by the rise and set of the sun, and the changing of the seasons. The earth and heavens guided their actions....it is light, and time to be active, it is dark and time to rest....it is cold and time to stay inside, it is warm and time to be outdoors. What was the moment like in which humans found it necessary to do something at a particular "time", making it necessary to be able to describe to others "when"?
From the time we are born, we become part of "time". Schedules are set for us, some based on the convenience of others around us and some driven by the cycles of our bodies. When we come to have more control over our body cycles, the accepted imposition of "timing" by the meter of the clock kicks in. No longer does the rise and set of the sun and moon have any bearing on our schedules...the clock tells us "when"...to sleep, to eat, to work...
Relegated to the back of consciousness....time to nurture, to grow...things, relationships....result....empty gardens, hollow lives, empty hearts...
Take time to stop time....step out of schedules and routines...step outside of the "time capsule" you are traveling through your life in; LOOK at what is around you...appreciate the garden...be WITH the ones you love, not just in their proximity....your dedication and self-sacrifice to the strict demands of "time" effects them more than you can ever know...and your PRESENCE, the most precious thing, for them and for YOU....
for all time....much love to you....