The storm of the winter....A trip that has been planned for several weeks now will not happen because of the probability that I would be stranded away from home because the snow is only supposed to continue throughout the day. Snow is light and fluffy and is drifting on roadways, and the surface streets in our neighborhood have not been cleared. Lucas County is in a Level 1 Snow emergency (don't drive unless you HAVE to) and the Toledo Police have announced that they are responding to accidents in Phase 2 mode (injury accidents only - all others exchange information). The estimate is 4 to 8 inches today and another 3 to 5 overnight tonight, with one more inch during the day on Wednesday. By the weekend, the temperatures are projected to rise into the 20's, but on Thursday and Friday lows will be ZERO! Obviously Punxsutawney Phil or Buckeye Chuck or whatever groundhog said that spring was just around the corner is full of crap....it is definitely winter here, and not looking like it is going away any time soon...
Will get out (walking probably) later and take a few more photos to post...till then, much love to you...stay warm...