While they rest and recover, I have been trying to relax and not work on stuff that I am behind on and have been thinking about. I decided to revisit a project that I was working on a long time ago...one that came to me since my hire-in at my new job. The creativity in the office inspired me to try a project similar to one that the artists execute for new hires...the "Root Wall" artist rendering of new staff. Being inspired by the awesome job that Adam did on my Root Wall portrait, I thought I would try my hand at it in a portrait for my friend "strollerguy". Take a look at the sketch at the top of this post....product of a lot of experimentation and learning....I think it is a pretty good rendering of him.
In any case, may be back with more later...off to take a nap now...all are feeling better than yesterday and apparently on the mend...much love to you...