Today is the day our district's OMEA Solo and Ensemble Contest takes place at Perrysburg High School The young one and his Sara along with many other musicians from his school in all levels of the instrumental music program will be participating. This is an adjudicated event in which students perform for an assigned OMEA judge and are assessed on their rudiment skills and a solo that they have worked to prepare. The young one is scheduled to participate at 2-ish and his Sara before him 1-ish this afternoon.
The event is an important step in the process in preparing for his (and his Sara's) audition for entry into the College of Music. With this event under his belt, he will have experienced again the pressures of "showing his pro" one on one with an adjudicator observing him, and he will get a chance to be able to practice managing his anxiety. He is very much a perfectionist and will doubtless be unhappy with his performance no matter how exceptional it really is, but the experience is a valuable one, and I am glad that he has taken the responsibility to prepare for it and follow through. I will let you know later how everything goes...for now keep him, his Sara and his friends in your good thoughts for skilled performances and a good showing today.

On a totally unrelated note...at
Daytona International Speedway today, the "DURA Rolex 24 At Daytona" begins. Special events include 5k Run/Walk, Chili Cook Off, Wine and Cheese Party at Daytona International Speedway. This is of special interest to me for two reasons: 1) Years ago, I was actually at the speedway once (very cool BTW) and 2) I have a friend who is going today to see the race. Should be very interesting to hear about later after it ends on Sunday. To see the beginning of the race, tune in to
your local Fox affiliate for the first ninety minutes and two other segments as well, to be aired through the 24 hour span. (To catch a glimpse of my friend there, look in the infield for the RV with Georgia license plates ***private joke***)
That's it for now...back later with more about contest perhaps, and maybe even an update on the Rolex 24...much love to you...

6:00 PM - Returned home from contest and dinner with the young one and his Sara. Results of the day...see the photo, right? The ranking is based on a system of roman numerals I thru V, with I being the best and V being the lowest you can get. In the photo, the young one is ID Number 2216 - and......he got a "I" in Class A solo for percussion! His Sara got a "II" in Class A for her euphonium solo as well, so I am practically bursting with pride! Long and stressful day finally over, the young one and his Sara are recreating in the living room watching "Charlie and the Chocolate Factory". I will be taking it easy here in my room, and the firstborn and his Ann are secluded in their room resting as well. All in all the house is calm and quiet, save the occasional giggle from downstairs....a good day, with calm finally setting in, snow falling lightly and all seems pretty good in our part of the world.
Checked on the race online when I got home and found a cool race blog on SpeedTV website, written by
Mike Johnson (I'm not sure who he, is but the blog is very engaging and informational) Since the race has started, I'm not sure how he will be doing much posting, but it will be interesting to check back later to see what he has to say about things.
Well, that's it from here...good day, eh?...much love to you...