As it has always been and always will be, the rollercoaster seems to be climbing the next hill; where the summit will be, there is no way to know. All we know for sure now, we have sluggishly passed through the low part of the course and it is time to travel back up toward the sky and see what is on the other side of the next crest.
Also as always, good is taken from challenge and learning has occurred in the most distressing of situations…our task at hand now is to assure that we retain the learning and move past the disappointments…that is how we can yank some success from the jaws of what seemed like dismal failure.
With that in mind, our family moves ahead…stronger, braver and more adaptable than we were before….we have overcome our current challenges…in the grand scheme of things they are already distant memories…we live, we learn……such is life….
With much love to you….