Friday, February 01, 2008

The Snow cometh...(even Blizzard Bill is right sometimes)

Snow on the Town LevelHeading out to work this morning, I was confronted with a buried car and snow that made my perfectly perfect electric blue "Chucks" soggy and cold. Happily I made it to the office all in one piece and early enough to take a few photos before the snow was too spoiled by the "cleaner-uppers"...this photo taken from the front door on the "Town Level" of our office, looking toward the tiny now the streets are slushy and people are getting around, but at 645 or so this morning, the streets were still snow covered and questionable for travel by cars that are little and light like mine.

Hope that the boys are digging out the house and driveway...looking forward to an easy drive home and a nice photo of the cleared out snow there :) ....

Stay warm...till later, much love to you...


PS - an exciting all the folks that "pooh-pooh" at me constantly taking and posting photos of everything I get an urge to, my snow photos on Flickr were picked up for use with a news story on NowPublic - a collaborative internet news agency, which seems to be pretty hot...pretty excited about that!'s it for now...bye!