First off, this was a study conducted exclusively with iPods, by a 17 year old high school student at the Michigan State University Thoracic and Cardiovascular Institute. The results of the study were presented at the annual meeting of the Heart Rhythm Society in Denver, Colorado.
My favourite quote from the session was a statement made by Dr. Krit Jongnarangsin, a long-time friend of the student’s father, the senior author of the study and an assistant professor in the Division of Cardiovascular Medicine at the University of Michigan:
*****"Most pacemaker patients are not iPod users," Jongnarangsin said. For that reason, he said, it is unclear how often iPods cause misdiagnosis.
"This needs to be studied more," Jongnarangsin added.*****
I just loved that!!!!
SO…I guess it’s a good thing that you don’t see too many iPods in the nursing home, and it would be a good idea to rethink the whole MP3 player gift for Grandpa’s 80th birthday….I’m sure there will be more speculation and study….for the time being, if you’re old and listen to an iPod, be advised you take your life in your own hands!!! (tongue planted firmly in cheek!)
Till later, much love to you,