In the grand scheme of things, a chick’s purse is one of those things that makes a guy totally cringe in horror…to be asked to look in a girl’s purse for anything is to risk the discovery of stuff you really don’t want to know about, let alone touch. My purse doesn’t contain too many of THOSE types of things (at least not out in the but it does contain a lot of STUFF…geeky stuff…like my digital camera, batteries for said camera, my cell phone, my Blackberry, iPod(s)….etc, etc…. There is also a small amount of obligatory female type things…eyeliner, mascara, eyeshadow, perfume….and of course, there is usually some sort of gum…usually sugar-free and minty flavoured, to tide me over in a craving emergency. That is what I was going for today.
As I delved into the mysterious contents of “the purse”, I shoved stuff around, looking for the expected package of minty gum. I was almost ready to give up, when I came upon a little yellow wrapper with blue and red decorating it, at the bottom of the bunch of stuff. With glee, I fished it out to discover it was a piece of “Dubble Bubble” bubble gum. A smile crossed my lips as I recalled how that piece of bubble gum came to be in my purse…the point of this ramble…and I will share it with you now….
It came to be mine on the “Day of Flickr”, May 05, 2007, when I finally decided that I had taken enough photos of the cool windy day in Toledo, Ohio and found my way to Maumee, in the process of heading home. I decided I was sufficiently hungry to find a place to get something warm to eat, and as the idea formed in my mind, I was approaching Pizza Hut on Conant Street. Their pizza is one of my fatal attractions…I truly believe I could eat it for every meal (although I have not tried) so without a second thought I turned right and found a place in their very empty parking lot.
As I entered the store, laden with my purse, cell phone, car keys, and the flush of the cool air still painting my cheeks, a waitress approached me to ask how many in my party. Alright…that description really does not do her justice…a very sweet woman, not much taller than me, walked over to me and said, “Hi honey, let me get you a seat. Will there be anyone else with you?” When I indicated that I would be dining in the singular, she walked with me to a little table with two chairs, and said, “Ok, dear, how’s this table by the window for you?” , and them continued with, “You get settled and I’ll be back to see what you would like for lunch; can I bring you a drink?” All of this was said with a broad and genuine smile and a friendly tone in her voice; she was warm and welcoming and as a result, the restaurant felt warm and comfortable because of her presence there.
She brought me my drink, and then my meal, all the while making small snippets of conversation and kindly attending to my every need, even before I knew I had it. I observed her with the few other customers in the restaurant at the time, and she was exactly the same…kind, attentive and in tune to their needs…truly the personification of excellent customer service.
When she observed that I was nearing the end of my meal, she approached my table with my receipt. As she laid it down on the table near me, she reached into the pocket of her apron and said, “And here’s a little sweet for you. I always think that it is nice to end the meal with a little sweet…a habit that the old folks on the farm used to have years ago.” Then she laid a piece of bubble gum on the receipt. I looked up at her, smiled and said sincerely, “Thank you so much…that is my favourite bubble gum…has been since I was a little kid…it really brings back good memories.” She smiled in return and reached into her pocket, pulling out a second piece and laying it on the receipt next to the first. “Here ya go,” she said, “have another…you don’t have to chew it now, but take it along with you…Enjoy, honey! Thanks for coming in, and have a great day!”
I finished my meal with the hint of a smile persisting on my lips, and as I readied to leave, I dug into the pit of my purse for a tip. I had only two single dollar bills to leave and a ten to pay the 6 dollar bill. I really wanted to leave her much more…she made my experience there pleasant and comfortable. As I left, I waited for her to finish taking the food order from another customer, just to grab a moment to thank her again for all she had done for me on my visit to “her” restaurant.
As I found the Dubble Bubble in the bottom of my purse today, that lunch and that lady were what I remembered. As I unwrapped the gum and tasted its sugary goodness, blowing small bubbles with it like I used to when I was kid, I thanked the lady at Pizza Hut again in my mind…for giving me the opportunity to feel a little like a kid again, and for taking the time and making the effort to pass a little treasure on to every person she touches….not bubble gum, but her great attitude…it was a gift that I was very grateful to receive.
Hope you find a little treasure today and every day….much love to you….