Sunday, June 15, 2008

Eddie Boggs

In a very happy coincidence, and a perfect follow up to the post yesterday about \"genuine\", the Toledo Blade today ran a comprehensive article about a friend of mine, Eddie Boggs.  He is definitely a person that the word \"genuine\" fits.

I came to know Eddie in my time working in the schools, and found him to be a very easy-going guy who got along extraordinarily well with kids.  He was well respected by the staff who worked with him, and was always a pleasure to talk to, always pleasant and smiling.  It was not until I saw him perform at a local function that I came to know him as a performer, and the person I saw interacting with the audience was an amazing, engaging and talented musician.

Eddie has retired from his position in the schools, and now pursues his music as his job.  At 63 years old (and really what does that mean in this day and age)  he is going strong, and the Toledo Blade article informed that he will be performing with the New Christy Minstrels, locally this coming Friday at the Maumee Indoor (recent venue for a screening of the movie \"Glass City\")  and will also be accompanying them on several performances on the road.  If you have not yet planned your upcoming weekend, I recommend, in the strongest manner possible, that you take the opportunity to see this show, and get to know this great local talent, if you aren\'t already familiar with him.

If you are interested in reading a little more about Eddie, his life and his music, please follow this link to the Toledo Blade article online from this Sunday.  You can also visit his own website at which has tons of information about him, including how to contact him and a schedule of public appearances, if you are interested.

Hope you take a minute to check Eddie out...he is a pretty cool guy, a great Northwest Ohio asset, and just really really interesting. 

That\'s it for now....till later, much love to you....
