This evening, I plan on a beer, some snacks and an evening with the Final Four on CBS...Ohio State is my great hope at this brackets are pretty much moot otherwise...
Hope you are having a great weekend....much love to you....
somewhere in the distance
when we fall in love again
planets will be dancing
the moon plays violin
we'll laugh at all the silly things
that we've both said and done
step into forever
on the bright side of the sun
- Men Without Hats - Bright Side of the Sun
The alternator arrived at the hotel earlier than the 1030 AM promised time. The car started and ran with the battery light on to the garage. The mechanic was able to take the car into the bay soon after I got there, so now waiting begins for the repair to be made. Will post more as circumstances warrant.
Sent from Vicki Timman's BlackBerry Wireless Device
......There is fresh hope. The firstborn is shipping me an alternator UPS Air to the place I am staying. There is a garage that was referred by the manager of the hotel that has agreed to take the car on Friday to install it for me. Indications are good that this will resolve the issue, both in the opinion of the firstborn and the mechanic. If this all works out well, I will definitely give credit where it is due and post more info about the garage, but until tomorrow afternoon I will reserve my opinion. Today all I can do is wait, and even the sun is no temptation.....until I know that the car is fixed, I feel as though I am totally helpless. Thankfully I think the garage that I have been directed to is trustworthy, as the mechanic who chatted with me on the phone said practically verbatim what the firstborn did when I talked to him yesterday. No use in writing more now as it would amount to a pity party and not be very interesting........perhaps once this has been resolved I may return to my jovial self......hmmmm.....we shall seem......later
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This really has gone way beyond the point of "comedy of errors" , "a bit of odd luck" or even a humorous story to has become downright cruel. I was going to go out to take some pictures and stopped at the bank to check my balance. When I looked down at my dashboard, my heart jumped to my throat......the "battery" light was on. Scared of what that might mean and the possibility of being stranded somewhere, I went immediately back to the hotel parking garage. I turned off the car and started it back up.....battery light still on. I got on the phone to call the only person I know that knows this car inside and firstborn. He informed me that without seeing it firsthand all indications are that the alternator is gone. I immediately panicked, but the firstborn calmed me and devised a strategy to try to get the car fixed...he is working things from his end and I lining things up here......I am waiting now to hear from him and for us to decide on next steps......what a freaking much for a calm week in f*****g paradise
Sent from Vicki Timman's BlackBerry Wireless Device
Was sitting on the couch this morning, deciding what I am going to do for today, listening to the traffic on A1A outiside my hotel, and the workers outside my room. The door to the balcony was open, which has been my practice since I arrived here, both to bring the smells in from outside as well as take the rarified "hotel smells" outside. I was drifting off somewhat, when I noted movement out of the corner of my eye, in the direction of the door, and looked up just in time to see a large pigeon crossing the door sill. He hesitated just for a split second then proceeded to take steps toward the interior of the room. I shouted "Shoo! Shoo!", which seemed to disconcert him somewhat and he retreated to the balcony. He was not, however done visiting......I glance up again a moment later to see him again walking in the door, this time with more determination. I tried to simply shoo him again, but he was not having it this time....I had to get up and chase him onto the balcony, where a cohort was waiting, obviously acting as lookout. As my visitor ran back onto the balcony with me in pursuit, his partner in crime took flight, my intruder close behind him. All in all a very interesting early morning encounter......dang it though, the camera is always somewhere else when you could really use it!
That's it for for a shower and then some lunch.....I could really get into this relaxed kind of schedule.....not much money in it though! Till later, much love to you.
Sent from Vicki Timman's BlackBerry Wireless Device
Last night, the youngsters were very rowdy...when driving around in the evening, the boys and girls could be observed roaming in packs, with a smattering of couples, some of the temporary variety, I would imagine. The noise outside and in the hotel reached its maxmum at around midnight, but even with the door on my "balcony" open to invite in the night air, it did not keep me from drifting off to sleep.
This morning, I again took to the beach (not nearly as dramatic as it sounds) to watch the sun rise. In my typical geeky fashion, I waited patiently, taking incremental photos for well over an hour as the water crept further onto the shore (high tide sometime after 9 this morning) At one point I took a movie of the water, the birds and the beach (you would not think there is a lot to hear,but there really is) I will post the movie when I get back home. Today I may drive the short distance down A1A to Ponce Inlet to take some pictures of the lighthouse there...yes, I know...more pictures..I figure taking them doesn't hurt anyone, if you don't want to see them, you don't have to look, and they are MUCH easier to bring home in the Honda than a palm tree!
That's all for now...till later, much love to you..
Sent from Vicki Timman's BlackBerry Wireless Device
The most important thing, the young one's audition for the College of Music at went very well, I thought, but anyone who knows the young one can only imagine his impression of it :). We now have to wait for a couple weeks for notice about the particulars, but I personally think that is just a formality!
Secondly, I have taken a week off from work and have limited internet access. I decided a little while ago to take a trip I have been wanting to take for a long time, and opportunity presented so I took it. As bad an idea as it sounds, I am in Daytona Beach for five days the week after "Bike Week". So far it has been nice, except for the construction all day at the hotel that I am in..up side, I wake up, walk out on what passes for a balcony and look to my left and see the ocean. I was up very early this morning and went out on the beach to watch the tide come in and the sunrise. I just got back from a walk up to the pier, which I remember with fondness from a visit here a long time ago. The walk on the beach was nice, cameras in pockets, iPod clipped on...found a couple shells still unbroken from the tide. I will do the typical tourist thing and bring them home to give to some kids I know.
I will continue to post throughout the week here, this way- if you want to get in touch with me, email to my work account or call or text me on my cell phone. I wish you were here with me... I will do my best to share it with you. Till later, much love to you,
Sent from Vicki Timman's BlackBerry Wireless Device
If this actually works I will be very will not replace my preferred way of posting, but from the Blackberry, it will definitely limit the number if time I do the "dot dot dot" thing :). Here we go, send then check it out! Wish me lluck! V
Sent from Vicki Timman's BlackBerry Wireless Device
Twilight Time, to dream awhile
In veils of deepening gloom
As fantasy strides over colourful skies
The fog disappearing from view
In twilight time, dream with me awhile
A nightingale plays a dark mellow phrase
Of notes that are rich and so true
An aerial display by the firefly brigade
Dancing to tunes no one knew
In twilight time, dream with me awhile
In twilight time, dream with me awhile
Building castles in the air
Whistling to the wind
As nature bows down her head
See what tomorrow brings
Twilight time, dream with me awhile
Bats take to wing, like puppets on string
Prancing in cool evening air
In a sightless glide, no reason to hide
Away from the sun's blinding stare
In twilight time, dream with me awhile
In twilight time, dream with me awhile